Discover the SECRET
to natural healing!

Chronic Disease is projected to grow
by 99.5% by 2050 in the U.S.

Much of which is caused by our increasingly toxic world,
Which affects what we eat, drink and breathe!

You CAN reduce your risk and ease the
symptoms of Chronic Diseases naturally.

And the best place to start is through

NASA's Favorite Therapy

Valued at $399



No. of Wavelengths:




Power Consumption:


Treatment Area:

Target Treatment

Number of LEDs:





1 year

Rated Lifespan:


EMF Emission:

0UT at Surface



Your order will take 3-4 weeks to arrive at your door.
In cases of high demand, up to 6 weeks

Hey it´s Jonathan Otto here,

We are facing a chronic disease epidemic.

The number of people being diagnosed with one or more chronic diseases is increasing by the day.
In fact, a study from PubMed revealed that chronic disease cases in the United States alone are estimated to

increase by 99.5% from 71.522 million in 2020 to 142.66 million by 2050.

This is almost too absurd to be real… Yet it is VERY real.

And it will only get worse if we don´t take action to become healthier!

The world we live in is becoming more and more toxic, Which only leaves you and those around you more vulnerable to disease.
Look at the Standard American Diet for example.

It’s filled with processed ingredients… high in carbohydrates… filled with unhealthy fats.

Or how about all the sugar-loaded drinks?

What’s crazy is that diet-related deaths actually outrank deaths from smoking!

And about half of U.S. deaths from heart disease…which are nearly 900 deaths per day, are linked to poor diet.
And if that wasn’t enough

Our air is literally filled with
countless toxins and pollutants…
which are rotting us on the inside!

Studies show that an estimated 107,000 deaths
per year in the U.S. are linked to air pollution.

At this point… eating, drinking, and even breathing can potentially make us sick!
Not because it’s inherently unhealthy… no, not at all!
It’s simply a result of living in a heavily toxic world.

Based on the projections, there will be more and more people
unfortunately being diagnosed with this life-threatening disease.

And it doesn’t matter how young or old you are…

You can get it

Here´s the great irony behind it all:

We´re supposedly living in the most advanced technological and medical age….

Yet, chronic diseases are still increasing and killing more people!

After many years in the trenches here…

I´ve come to learn that far too many people think they can just “wing” their health.

As if just by “thinking” their way to health will work.

Or believing that developing a life-threatening disease could never happen to them.

Far too many people aren’t taking their health seriously…

They just eat all the take-out and sugary snacks they want… over consume alcohol because they feel like it… all without a care in the world.

Anyone who lives their life like this simply
increase their odds of developing a serious disease
Anyone who lives their life like this… is simply increasing their odds of developing a serious disease. It´s like driving 120 miles/hr in a 60 zone… and expecting to not get into an accident. Sure, you may be accident-free for a while… But you´re just increasing your risk of eventually crashing.

That’s what it’s like when you ignore your health and follow the Standard American Diet.

But if you´re reading this… the chances are… you´re among those who truly care about their health! Which is great, because you’re EXACTLY where you need to be.

I have spent over a decade researching and investigating natural and holistic health protocols… And have interviewed hundreds of world-class experts on this.

I´ve seen what works… and I’ve seen what doesn´t. And this has all led me to one simple, yet important conclusion:

No matter how toxic our world is getting…

There IS hope!

And it all starts by taking your health into your own hands.
By following natural, proven protocols!

If you´ve been following me for a while, you probably know about
the immense benefits of fasting, gut health management, and even urotherapy.

While all of those are essential, there´s another protocol
that I have personally been using for years:

Red Light Therapy (RLT)
also known as
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or Photobiomodulation!

RLT was developed by Dr. Endre Mester in Budapest, Hungary.

Once this phenomenal therapy was discovered.. It´s therapeutic potential of
low-level laser therapy soon unfolded…. ​Which revealed benefits that would
send shockwaves throughout the scientific community.

One of its most incredible benefits is how
Red Light Therapy reduces inflammation

Treating inflammation—one of the primary causes—is equally as important as relieving symptoms.

The powerhouse that is the mitochondria in our cells is stimulated to produce more ATP (energy) in order to produce this effect. Higher energy translates into healthier cells with improved anti-inflammatory and self-healing capabilities.

These advantages are also supported by multiple studies. Studies have demonstrated that red light therapy significantly lowers inflammatory markers.

Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), an inflammatory protein overproduced in many autoimmune diseases was shown to have decreased by 30% in one study, for instance!

Simply put, RLT is by far one of the best healing protocols you can follow.
Its scientifically proven results are even endorsed by research in the Journal of
Autoimmune Brilliance, Cellular Dynamics Quarterly, and the Photon Wellness Chronicle!

If you´ve been looking for a relatively affordable healing protocol…

That can not only help you in treating
autoimmune diseases, inflammation,
oxidative stress and neurological decline

But can even help you prevent and treat cancer. Then I urge you to consider trying our RedLife devices out for yourself!

I´ve seen far too many poorly made devices on the market that charge a fortune.

And what upsets me the most about this is that many people either think RLT doesn´t work or they can’t afford to pay for a device that costs $3000+

This just isn’t right at all.

Everyone deserves to have access to this powerful healing device.

That’s why I created mine with quality and affordability at the forefront of my mind!

I want YOU to experience the numerous benefits that RLT has to offer while feeling rest-assured that you paid a reasonable price for a high quality product.

Valued at $399



No. of Wavelengths:




Power Consumption:


Treatment Area:

Target Treatment

Number of LEDs:





1 year

Rated Lifespan:


EMF Emission:

0UT at Surface



Your order will take 3-4 weeks to arrive at your door.
In cases of high demand, up to 6 weeks

3 Year Warranty
60-Day Money Back Guarantee

You can test the package for 60 days.

If you don´t like the results you´ll get, if you don´t feel like following the protocol….

Or if you´re not happy for any reason at all….

You can at any point email us, and get every penny back, no questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

For targeted areas, we suggest to use the red light panels, 20-30 minutes per session. For lung or heart problems, red light therapy is not typically recommended as the primary treatment modality. However, some studies have suggested potential benefits of red light therapy for improving circulation and promoting healing in these areas. Again, the usage should be guided by a healthcare provider, and the duration and frequency of treatment will depend on the individual case.
For red light at 630nm to 660nm:

In general, red light wavelengths in the range of 630 to 660 nm have been shown to penetrate relatively deeply into the skin, reaching depths of several millimeters. However, the exact depth of penetration can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. For example, darker skin types with higher melanin content may absorb red light more strongly, limiting its penetration depth. In terms of biological effects, red light therapy is thought to stimulate mitochondrial function, promote blood flow, and enhance cellular metabolism. These effects are generally believed to be most pronounced in the superficial layers of the skin and underlying tissues.

For NIR light at 810-850nm:

Near-infrared light, including 850nm, has been shown to penetrate deeper into tissues than visible light wavelengths. However, the exact depth of penetration can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. For example, darker skin types with higher melanin content may absorb near-infrared light more strongly, limiting its penetration depth.

In terms of biological effects, near-infrared light therapy is thought to promote blood flow, enhance mitochondrial function, and have anti-inflammatory effects. These effects are generally believed to be more pronounced in deeper tissues compared to visible light wavelengths.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that near-infrared light, including 850nm, is often used in various medical and therapeutic applications, such as wound healing, pain relief, and skin rejuvenation.
We suggest to wear eye patch, or at least keep your eyes closed when red and NIR light exposing directly our face.

Red light therapy devices use red light to stimulate the skin cells and promote cell regeneration and repair, which has certain skin rejuvenation and anti-aging effects. However, for children, the use of red light therapy devices needs to be cautious, because their skin is more delicate and sensitive than adults, and they may be more sensitive to light.

In general, it is not recommended for children under 18 years of age to use red light therapy devices, because their skin is still developing and growing, and excessive exposure to red light may have adverse effects on their skin.

Here are some of its KEY advantages:

  • Management of Autoimmune Disorders: Some research indicates positive effects in managing autoimmune conditions, possibly by modulating inflammatory responses.
  • Support for Cancer Patients: While not a standalone cancer treatment, it may complement traditional therapies by easing side effects, supporting recovery, and improving overall well-being.
  • Cellular Energy Boost: Red light penetrates the skin to reach cells, enhancing mitochondrial function and promoting the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cellular energy currency.
  • Collagen Production: It stimulates collagen synthesis, promoting skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles, leading to a more youthful complexion.
  • Muscle Recovery and Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit from quicker muscle recovery, reduced inflammation, and improved performance.
  • Pain Relief: Red light therapy has shown efficacy in alleviating chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis and joint pain, by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.
  • Enhanced Cognitive Function: Studies suggest potential cognitive benefits, including improved memory and cognitive performance, by supporting neuronal function.
  • Immune System Support: It modulates the immune response, potentially enhancing immune function and resilience against infections.
  • Mood Regulation: Light exposure influences circadian rhythms, potentially aiding in mood regulation and mitigating symptoms of conditions like seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
You see… Red Light Therapy isn’t some gimmick
or trick that only has false promises.

It is a scientifically PROVEN way to restore
the health and vitality that you lost.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from cancer,
or maybe an autoimmune disease…

And you´re tired of not seeing the improvements you want to see…

Then I urge you to take a step of faith… and use this
natural healing method to get the results you desire!
If you happen to believe that your life-crippling diseases will just be cured through conventional approaches… then I hope you will soon realize that this is not the best approach.

Unfortunately, countless cases are proving that to be a false hope.

I wish it were true, and that everyone would just be miraculously healed. As much as that would be incredible… It’s just not possible.

We need to take action if we want to reclaim our health.

No more relying on harmful pills. It’s time for you to take your health into your own hands.

There´s no doubt in my mind that this will help you on your healing journey.

If you´re ready to take that step, then click the button below:

Valued at $399



No. of Wavelengths:




Power Consumption:


Treatment Area:

Target Treatment

Number of LEDs:





1 year

Rated Lifespan:


EMF Emission:

0UT at Surface



Your order will take 3-4 weeks to arrive at your door.
In cases of high demand, up to 6 weeks

The products and the claims made about specific products on or through this site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

© 2021 Well of Life – All Rights Reserved.